
Many students rely on federal 政府ernment loans to help finance their education. These loans have low 感兴趣 rates and do 不 require credit checks of collateral. Student loans also provide a variety of deferment options and extended repayment terms.

无论您是新的或返回JWCC贷款借款人, we strongly recommend that you take the time to read and understand all the loan information provided. Understanding all loan details and planning now will benefit you throughout college and beyond.

学生贷款偿还权利 & 责任

你的 student loan is a debt you owe for your education and you should treat it as you would any other kind of debt.  例如,用于买车或买房的贷款.  和任何债务一样, you are responsible for repaying your loan in full even if you did 不 complete school, 找份工作, 或者觉得你没有得到你所购买的教育或其他服务.

To repay your student loan successfully, you will need to manage your finances.  如果你现在计划还款, you will reap big benefits in terms of financial freedom and present peace of mind.

从组织开始.  If you have 不 already assembled all of your loan documents in one place, do it now!  Review these documents to make sure you understand all of your financial obligations.

接下来,制定预算.  首先估算你的起薪和生活费.  When figuring your expenses, do 不 forget to budget the monthly payment on your student loan.

The terms that you and your chosen lender establish for repaying your student loan have to meet certain federal guidelines.  These guidelines are outlined for you on the master promissory 不e when you first obtain your loan.  以下是这些指导方针的摘要:

  • 你每个月都要付款.
  • The minimum monthly payment is $50, but can be higher depending on the total principal amount & 感兴趣.
  • 你的贷款人必须给你至少五年的时间来偿还贷款, 除非你的最低月供在那之前还清了你的贷款, 或者你要求更短的还款期限.
  • 你可以随时提前偿还贷款而不受处罚.
  • 你的 loan obligation will be canceled if you become totally and permanently disabled or you die.

与你的贷款人保持联系.  It is your responsibility to let your lender know if any of your personal circumstances change (i.e. 更改地址、名称等.)

在你的第一笔付款到期之前, 你的贷款人会给你一份还款时间表,告诉你你欠了多少钱, 在还款期间你将支付的利息金额, 你的月供将是多少, 什么时候到期, 以及需要多长时间才能全额偿还贷款.

You will have a grace period of no payments for six months which starts the day you drop below half-time status.


If you are unable to make monthly payments, contact your lender immediately to avoid default.  可考虑其他还款方案, 也可以根据你的情况选择延期或宽容.

Once you drop below half-time status or anticipate graduating/transferring from JWCC, 你需要完成退出贷款咨询.  This will explain what to expect after “exiting” school including repayment options. 您可以在直接贷款网站完成退出咨询:  http://studentaid.政府.


  • 你的信用等级和贷款能力将严重受损.
  • 你可能会失去将来获得经济援助和/或学生贷款的资格.
  • 你可能会被起诉,法庭费用和法律费用将被加到你所欠的债务中.
  • 您的联邦所得税退税可能会被扣留.
  • 您的某些职业的专业执照更新可能会被拒绝.
  • 你的雇主可能会扣留部分工资来偿还你的贷款.
  • 你的资产可能会被没收.
  • Once a loan is declared in default, you are no longer entitled to any deferments or forbearances.



是的. If you have student loans from more than one lender or from other federal student loan programs, you are responsible for informing the 金融援助 Office and your lender(s) about your other student loans. 在某些情况下,你可能没有资格获得你所申请的贷款.



As of July 1, 2023, the Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans are fixed at 5.50%.  直接家长加贷款固定为8.05%.



自2020年10月1日起,直接补贴贷款和无补贴贷款的评级为1.0.057%发起费.  直接家长PLUS贷款有一个4.228%的发起费.

什么是学校的出勤费用(COA) ??

COA是你参加JWCC的估计费用.  COA中包括学费的估计费用, 书, 运输, 个人支出, 和房间 & 董事会.  你从所有来源获得的经济援助总额不能超过你的COA.


你的 学生资助指数(SAI) is an index number used by financial aid professionals when creating an aid offer. 您的SAI是使用您(和其他贡献者)的信息计算的, (如果需要)在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)上提供. 你的SAI是 :

  • 你会得到一美元的援助
  • 你的家庭应该提供什么,或者
  • 你最终的经济资助offer

What will happen to the existing loans that I have borrowed from other lenders?

Any previous loans you borrowed from a不her lender will be serviced by the lender/servicer you selected when you signed your original MPN. 毕业后, you have a choice to make individual payments to your previous lender(s) and to the Department of Education for your Direct Loans, or you can consolidate your loans into one payment with the Department of Education.

Will the student loans I borrowed through my lender in prior years still be deferred?

只要你在学校注册了至少一半的时间, 你上一年的联邦贷款将继续延期. Enrollment information is reported to lenders by the school on a regular basis.



    • 标准
    • 扩展
    • 毕业
    • 收入或有
    • 基于收入
    • Income-Sensitive
    • 即赚即付(PAYE)
    • 修订的即赚即付(REPAYE)

请浏览 联邦学生援助网站 了解更多信息以及还款估算器!


根据联邦直接贷款计划, parents may borrow up to the full cost of their student’s education minus other financial aid received.  信用检查是必需的.  然而,直接贷款计划使用更宽松的信用评估.

Application instructions are provided on our website to apply for a PLUS loan.

完成PLUS贷款申请后, JWCC will submit your information to the Department of Education for a credit check.


美国.S. Department of Education Direct Loan Program Customer Service phone number is (800) 848.0979.

直接贷款计划网站: http://studentaid.政府


  • Satisfactory academic progress must be maintained in order to receive the loan funds.
  • You are required to 不ify the 金融援助 Office of any changes to your schedule, 无论是增减课程. 时间表的变化可能会影响您的合格贷款金额.
  • All financial aid money received must be used for educational expenses related to your program of study at JWCC. 助学金将首先用于支付JWCC的学杂费.
  • 如果你在收到联邦财政援助资金后退学, 你可能会被要求退还全部或部分收到的资金. 你的帐户可能欠下调整后的奖励所不包括的费用.
  • You must report in writing to the 金融援助 Office scholarships or grants received from sources other than beat365平台. (WIA, GAMM, DORS, Foundation 奖学金等.)
  • 你不能同时获得两所学校的助学金.
  • 所有的经济援助只颁发给一个学年. 你必须每年重新申请经济援助.
  • 在一个学期内开课晚可能会延迟贷款的发放.
  • Open Learning Center class start dates must be confirmed before financial aid may be disbursed.
  • 贷款资金每学期分两次等额发放.


  •  一旦你的贷款被处理,你将收到一封电子邮件通知.
  • Be sure to carefully read through ALL the information that is sent to you and keep it together for future reference.
  • 如果你不理解部分或全部信息, 请与我们联系,我们将尽最大努力解释信息.
  • 贷款资金直接到学校进行进一步处理. 每学期发放两笔款项.
  • 问题和延误总是会发生, 所以,尽量不要围绕预期的贷款来计划你的生活开支.
  • 一旦学校收到你的贷款资金, you will receive an email 不ification stating the loan has been officially applied to your account.


  • Student borrowers are required to complete exit counseling shortly before graduating or otherwise leaving school.
  • These online sessions explain the basic facts about subsidized and unsubsidized loans along with the student’s rights and responsibilities as a borrower.
  • This information will help you understand how to manage your student loan and the commitment that comes with the acceptance of a student loan.
  • 你可以开始你的退出贷款咨询会议访问 直接贷款网站.